
“Shrouded in the black thunderheads the distant lightning glowed mutely like welding seen through foundry smoke. As if repairs were under way at some flawed place in the iron dark of the world.”
Cormac McCarthy (1933-2023)
Paul Dickey has appeared most recently in Plume, The Midwest Quarterly, Laurel Review, and Apple Valley Review. Dickey has published over 200 online and print publications, including poetry, short stories, flash fiction, plays, and essays. His most recent book of poetry is Anti-Realism in Shadows at Suppertime.
Laura Goldin is a publishing lawyer in New York. Five of her recent poems appear in the Spring 2023 issue of The Brooklyn Review; one is forthcoming in Driftwood Press 2024 Anthology, and others have been published or are forthcoming in Apple Valley Review, Gargoyle Magazine, and Mom Egg Review.
Howie Good's most recent poetry book, Heart-Shaped Hole, is available from Laughing Ronin Press.
Simon Harms is a young poet from the twin cities of Minnesota, whose work concerns the natural world and the near-religious beauty of the ordinary. He has been previously published in Runestone and The Tower, where he now serves as an editor.
Willa Needham is an undergraduate student at UCLA who is soon to earn a bachelor's degree in Gender Studies and Labor Studies. Willa haunts the fifth floor of her university library where the poems are kept and longs to be published one day. This is her first attempt. And she made it.
Theo Itchon is a poet from the Philippines working as a creative writing teacher to the Filipino youth. Their poems have been published in Thimble Lit Magazine, Eunoia Review, Unbroken Journal, The Cardiff Review, among others. Talk to them on Instagram @theoitchon.
Paul Julian lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He is an attorney specializing in business litigation and government affairs. His poems “Weapon Focus” and “Martians Flew the Ocean Blue” were published in Cellar Door.
h.a.laine is a US-based writer and poet who has been writing short stories and weaving tapestries of emotion and imagery into poetic 'streams of subconscious' for well over a decade now. Her work often borders the abstract and the unknown, evoking deep emotions and individual reader interpretations.
Abena Ntoso is a poet living in Houston, Texas. She teaches ethnic studies and is currently pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing. Her writing has been published in Adelaide Literary Magazine, The Satirist, ONE ART, Writing in a Woman’s Voice, Trampoline, and The Wrath-Bearing Tree.
Seth Peterson is a writer and physical therapist in Tucson, Arizona. His primary research and writing focus has been on the patient-provider relationship and the humanities in healthcare. Aside from clinical practice, he is an Associate Editor with JOSPT and teaches with The Movement Brainery and A.T. Still University.
Iris Rosenberg reads and writes poetry and fiction in New York City, where she lives with her family. Her writing career includes stints as a business journalist, agency head, college instructor and poetry reviewer for Library Journal.
Hilary Sideris’s poems have appeared in recently in The American Journal of Poetry, Beltway Poetry Quarterly, OneArt, Poetry Daily, Right Hand Pointing, Salamander, Sixth Finch, and Verse Daily. She is the author of Un Amore Veloce (Kelsay Books 2019), The Silent B (Dos Madres Press 2019), and Animals in English, poems after Temple Grandin (Dos Madres Press 2020). She lives in Brooklyn and works as a professional developer for the CUNY Start Program at The City University of New York.
Lynn Strongin is an American poet currently residing in Canada who has published more than two dozen books. Lynn's new book of poems, Kiosk, is just published in England. storySouth will feature her poetry in the fall. In November, Charter for Compassion’s Global Read will feature an interview of Lynn by Danielle Ofri.
Ry Book Suraski is a trans, Jewish, neurodivergent writer living in Queens, New York, where he is a literacy teacher and crisis counselor. His fiction and nonfiction has published in Rookie, Mouth Magazine, PANK, and others. He is currently writing his first novel.
Mike Taylor is a writer/ artist, living in San Francisco. His work has recently appeared in Tricycle and Trash Panda.
Brett Warren (she/her) is the author of The Map of Unseen Things (Pine Row Press, 2023). Her poetry has appeared in Canary, Halfway Down the Stairs, Harbor Review, and elsewhere. A long-time editor, she lives in Massachusetts, where she counts rabbits on her morning walks (record: 29). www.brettwarrenpoetry.com
Patricia Wentzel lives at the confluence of two rivers with her family and three cats. She started writing poetry while recovering from a severe episode of Bipolar Disorder. She has been published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, The Light Ekphrastic and has work upcoming in the Tule Review and SPC Anthology
Natalie Wolf is a co-founder and co-editor of Spark to Flame Journal and an editor for One Sentence Poems. Her fiction and poetry have appeared in Popshot Quarterly, Pink Panther Magazine, I-70 Review, and more. You can find more of her stuff and things at https://nwolfmeep.wixsite.com/nmwolf.